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You must understand that any abnormal condition or any minor symptom, such as malaise, is already a signal that there is a problem. Only Prednisone pills treatment contributes to a speedy and, importantly, complete recovery. How is the disease diagnosed?

The most important thing in treatment is timeliness. This is the only way to successfully overcome the disease. Treatment should be comprehensive: the mandatory intake of medications, diet and physiotherapy.

At the onset of the disease, strict adherence to bed rest is recommended. In this case, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning.

When the body temperature returns to normal, you can turn on walks in the fresh air. As for food, in principle, there are no restrictions. But, it must be correct and balanced. You need to eat often, but in small portions. The obligatory rule is to drink plenty of water. It can be warm fruit drinks, and herbal teas. Physiotherapy includes: chest massage, inhalations, which facilitate breathing and sputum discharge.

The basis in the treatment of bronchopneumonia is the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics are selected purely individually, depending on the type of pathogen, risk factors and severity of Prednisone of the disease.

Taking expectorant, anti-allergic, antipyretic (but not to bring down the temperature), drugs and vitamins is required. What are the features of the treatment of children? Children should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor, that is, in a hospital. If necessary, the patient is placed in the intensive care unit.

Taking antibiotics, general tonics, immunostimulating drugs, vitamin and mineral complexes in conjunction with a therapeutic diet and plenty of fluids is the basis of treatment. To prevent this disease from affecting you or your family, follow a few simple recommendations.

In case of symptoms similar to bronchopneumonia, consult a physician. Bronchopneumonia is a type of pneumonia. This disease differs from ordinary pneumonia in that the bacteria and viruses that enter the body affect not only the lungs, but also the branches of Deltasone pill. Inflammation often develops as a result of infection of the upper respiratory tract. In most cases, bronchial pneumonia is caused by streptococcus and pneumococcus.

Wash your hands regularly. Give up bad habits, including smoking. Minimize or avoid contact with sick people. Stick to a healthy lifestyle. Eat right. Go in for sports. Treat respiratory problems promptly.

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When the first signs of bronchopneumonia appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. The slightest delay or passion for self-treatment is fraught with sad consequences. Increase in body temperature. In the first days, the body temperature rises to 37-39 degrees. Such a reaction of the body indicates that the patient is fighting the disease, so it is not worth bringing down the temperature to 38 degrees. Especially without prior consultation with a specialist. General weakness. The person begins to complain about feeling unwell.

There is weakness, sweating, chills, discomfort in the calf muscles. In addition, his appetite decreases (or even a complete refusal to eat) and sleep is disturbed. Cough. If the inflammation has begun recently, then the cough is dry. With the progression of the disease, the cough becomes wet. As a rule, sputum is yellow-green in color. With a severe form of the disease, blood streaks are found in the sputum. Dyspnea. This symptom of the disease is typical only for adult patients.

In addition, the patient has murmursin the heart and cardiac arrhythmias.

Symptoms of the disease differ depending on the type of morphological changes. External manifestations of the disease are pallor, fever, discomfort in the lumbar region. Myocardial dystrophy. This is an incorrect metabolism in the pectoral muscles. The person begins to complain of pain in the heart and shortness of breath.

  • If the pus does not find an outlet, then it can penetrate the skull and cause a brain abscess or meningitis. Pleurisy. This is an inflammation of the pleural sheets. The person experiences discomfort when coughing and breathing. In addition, he complains of heaviness in the chest. Nephritis. This is inflammation of the kidneys.

  • In this case, the person begins to complain of discomfort in the ear and general weakness. In addition, purulent discharge comes out of the ear.

  • If bronchial pneumonia is observed in a child, then the symptoms are slightly different: If competent therapy is not started in time, the disease can cause complications. They are often seen in children.

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In some cases, shortness of breath is observed not only when walking or climbing uphill, but also in a calm state. Discomfort in the chest. When the patient coughs or tries to take a deep breath, he experiences chest pain. As a rule, only the side of the inflamed lung hurts (only if we are not talking about bilateral pneumonia). The pain is stabbing or pulling. Pulse increase. The patient's pulse increases to 110 beats per minute.